2nd International Seminar on Land Use and Transformation System (ISOTRANS)

International Seminar on Land Use and Transformation System (ISOTRANS) will be held hybrid by Center of Excellent (PUI BLasTS), University of Jambi.

International Collaboration for Promoting Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research


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Seminar Nasional & Call For Paper Penelitian dan Pengabdian

Isu mengenai perubahan iklim telah menjelma menjadi titik sentral perhatian masyarakat dunia abad ini. Dalam pandangan para ilmuwan dikatakan bahwa jika kita gagal membuat penurunan yang signifikan pada emisi gas rumah kaca selama sepuluh sampai duapuluh tahun kedepan.Perubahan iklim hadir sebagai suatu bentuk fenomena kerusakan lingkungan yang memiliki dampak pada hampir setiap bidang kehidupan yang mengancam eksistensi kehidupan manusia baik pada tataran lokal maupun global. Perubahan iklim adalah salah satu tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini. Dampaknya meluas dan signifikan, termasuk kenaikan suhu global, perubahan pola cuaca, kenaikan permukaan air laut, dan banyak lagi. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang sangat rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang perubahan iklim dan solusi untuk menghadapinya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, masyarakat internasional bersepakat untuk menyepakati United Nations Frameworks Convention on Clomate Change (UNFCC). Konvensi ini bertujuan menentukan langkah-langkah yang dianggap perlu menstabilkan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca pada tingkat konsentrasi yang dapat mengeliminir dampak bahaya dari kegiatan manusia secara sistematis. Selain itu, sebagian besar pemerintah negara-negara di dunia juga telah menandatangani dan meratifikasi Protokol Kyoto yang mengarah pada pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca. Protokol ini mengharuskan negara-negara industri untuk segera menurunkan tingkat emisi karbon dinegaranya masing-masing. Mencermati hal diatas, maka dalam diskursus perubahan iklim, wacana yang berkembang adalah meningkatkan kepedulian dari masyarakat internasional termasuk peran yang diharapkan dari negara-negara berkembang dalam usaha perbaikan iklim. Hal inilah yang menjadi perhatian utama dalam pembahasan pada seminar nasional kali ini untuk bisa menguji validitas dari perjanjian internasional dibidang perubahan iklim.

Kegiatan sebagaimana yang dimaksut di atas akan dilaksanakan pada 26 Oktober 2023, berlokasi di Aston Hotel Jambi, dengan Narasumber:

  1. Prof. Dr. Helmi, S.H., M.H., Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi dengan metari “Hukum Preventif Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan: Mengubah Paradigma Dalam Mitagasi Perubahan Iklim.”
  2. Imam Mulyana, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjajaran dengan materi “Perubahan Iklim dan Energi Terbarukan: Peluang dan Tantangannya di Indonesia.”
  3. Dr. Emmy Latifah, S.H., M.H., Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta dengan materi “Arbitrase Sebagai Metode Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Internasional: Sebuah Pengantar.”

Luaran pada Call For Paper ini adalah Prosiding Ber-ISBN dan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi (artikel terpilih akan diumumkan oleh panitia dengan mengikuti panduan penulisan masing-masing jurnal) adapun jurnal Pendukung kegiatan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Undang: Jurnal Hukum
  2. Jambe Law Journal
  3. Recital Review
  4. Uti Possidetis: Journal of International Law
  5. Mendapo: Journal of Administrative Law
  6. Zaaken: Journal of Civil and Business Law
  7. PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law
  8. Limbago: Journal of Constitutional Law

Tanggal Penting:

  • 16 Oktober 2023 Batas Submited Full Paper
  • LOA Mulai 25 September 2023

Biaya Pemakalah & Peserta

  • Pemakalah Rp250.000,-
  • Peserta Rp150.000,-

Link Registrasi    : https://bit.ly/Semnas2623

Link Template     : https://bit.ly/templatsemnas

Pembayaran pada Rekening Mandiri 1100021089898 RPL 012 BLUUNJA.

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Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNJA 2023

Transformasi Pembangunan Daerah dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan.

Prosiding dapat diakses di sini.

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Jambi Medical Health And Science International Conference 2020

New normal is a change in behavior or habits to continue carrying out activities as usual but by always implementing health protocols in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This appeal from the government recommends that we live "side by side" with a virus that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, almost everyone has experienced problems living a normal life due to restrictions that need to be made to prevent transmission of the Corona virus.In this new normal era ,, as the academic community, it is felt that there is a need for continuous development of knowledge as our responsibility in science in Indonesia, especially in the fields of medicine and health sciences. The renewal of science will actually provide broader benefits to the community. Lecturers, researchers and students play an important role in being able to carry out research and provide solutions in this new normal life.

The International Seminar which will be held with the title Jambi Medical And Health Science International Conference is expected to be a good place and means to publish research results in the fields of medicine and health, and also to be able to absorb and convey the broadest possible knowledge of new life. normal and its application on an international scale.

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Green development is a development concept that always considers the social and environmental impacts of development. This is defined as three things: environmental responsiveness, resource efficiency, and community and cultural sensitivity. The issue of limited natural resources is one of the most important environmental issues at this time, in connection with this as a developing country that is developing, Indonesia needs to accelerate the development of industry and technology through the use of clean and efficient technology and the utilization of environmentally friendly natural resources to achieve sustainable development goals.

Sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s), that is environmentally preservation is expected to be a reference for every country in the world, so that the United Nations (UN) has ratified it as a global community development goal in September 2015. To realize SDG’s, through Nawacita’s vision and mission, the Indonesian government considers global cooperation important by intensifying international cooperation in addressing global problems that threaten humanity such as infectious diseases, climate change, the spread of illegal small arms, human trafficking, water scarcity, energy security and the spread of narcotics. The government stipulates that within a period of 1 to 2 years SDG’s supporting policies must be prepared. Among other things, the preparation of the legal basis for implementation, action plans and institutions as well as funding sources. This is where the role of local government, the private sector and civil society groups is needed.

Universitas Jambi as one of the stakeholders in development in Indonesia, especially in Jambi Province is called to be actively involved in To sustain the promotion and publication of research results on innovations, concepts, policies and technologies that are environmentally friendly, Jambi University plans to hold a ” The second Green Development International Conference ” in 2018. With the conference Internationally participated by local and international participants, is expected to improve the competitiveness of the Nation through the development of human resources, infrastructure development using the principle of “green development”. So that the Indonesian people are expected to be able to compete and be able to utilize natural resources wisely.



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Seminar Dan Workshop Mental Olahraga mengangkat tema "Dengan Seminar dan Workshop Mental Olahraga Kita Sukseskan Porprov Jambi XXII 2018

Jadwal :

9 September 2018  Seminar Nasional
Lokasi : GOS Sei. Kambang


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English Education International Conference (EDUTICON) is a biennial international conference conducted by English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jambi (English UNJA). Starting in 2015, This forum gathers researchers, educators, and enthusiasts in English language education and all related disciplines from all over the world to discuss, share, and disseminate their research, best practices, ideas, and innovations in the fields of English language education and related fields.

  • PAST EVENT: EDUTICON 2015. Theme: "Redefining English Education in the 21st Century". Novita Hotel, Jambi, November 4th - 5th, 2015
  • UPCOMING: EDUTICON 2017. Theme: “Going beyond boundaries: Connecting ELT to today’s world”. Odua Weston, Jambi, September 6th - 7th, 2017

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Sample and Demo Conference

This dummy conference is achieved for demonstrated OCS UNJA. It will show how OCS work and what fiture that available in OCS. Open Conference Systems is a research and development initiative of the PublicKnowledge Project at the University of British Columbia. Its continuingdevelopment is currently overseen by a partnership among UBC's PublicKnowledge Project, the Canadian Center for Studies in Publishing, and theSimon Fraser University Library. Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source solution to managing andpublishing scholarly conferences online. OCS is a highly flexible managementand publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a localWeb server.

Conference Theme: "Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source solution to managing andpublishing scholarly conferences online."

Conference day: 15 May 2017

Vanue : Grant Aston City Hall Hotel and Serviced Residences Medan

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